Zhibin    ID: 1507928

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Age:  50
Birth Date:  09/10/1974
Horoscope Sign:  Libra
Height:  168
Weight:  49
Eye Color:  Black
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Business owner
Education:  University degree
Not Religious
Marital Status:  Divorced
Drinking:  Socially
English Speaking Skills*:  Advanced
Other languages:
Residence:  Shenzhen, China
Date the member of your dreams: young Asian member Zhibin from Shenzhen
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
i am very indepedant woman , after i graduated from college , i started my clothing busssiness , from one side i met good time , from another side , i am very hard working so my clothing busssiness went on very well , and i started to make miilions every years , at that time house prices was quite cheap here in shenzhen , so i bought some house propteries , which made me make more money , now i still manage my clothing bussiness and i rent thouse houses i bought outside , i divorced because my ex hit on me , he also had his own busssiness but in 2008 years , his bussiness met some problem , even if i comforted him and did my best to help me , his temper became worse and worse the better my busssiness is , he felt more angry , he thought i looked down opon him for he can not make money , but i never think that way , i wanted him to stand up , but he began to get drunk and do not go back home ,at last he even fought wi
i like to travel around , i have took my daughter to different countried before when i have time , so my daughter grow up becoome an indepdant , confident , well educated girl i love cooking , even if living alone for long time but i love delicious food so i often cook good food when my friends and family visited i love to do some sports such as tennnis and badmintion but not as much as before , because i do not want to get myself hurt . so now i do yoga and do golf i love to go nature , i love to singing i love to get intimte with my man , do u mind i am naughty woman when with u ?
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Most gorgeous profiles: China member Zhibin

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