Dandan    ID: 1404047

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Age:  35
Birth Date:  10/03/1990
Horoscope Sign:  Pisces
Height:  168
Weight:  50
Eye Color:  Black
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Manager
Education:  College degree
Not Religious
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Never
English Speaking Skills*:  Intermediate
Other languages:
Residence:  Shanghai, China
Gorgeous profiles pictures: Dandan from Shanghai, member real
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
I am matured traditional Chinese woman,independent on finance,intelligent on work.sweetly treat others.i have good temper,i dont like rude words,but i want to ask,one question,if u read my profile,i hope u can tell me:am i looks like submissive girl? I've bought house and cars for myself,And recent years,the property is very good,so i doing on property investment. I live alone,however the older the age is ,the more loneliness i got.can i marry this year,i think the answer is up to you.
I love smiling,singing and dancing,i love traveling.I love ride horse,Yoga and cooking. I think money is good.But our spiritual life is also very important.As long as love can enrich our spiritual life.reading is necessary for me,i love to reading.I like read news,event current, I like swimming,but i have no swimming pool in my house,i wish i can live abroad,and build my own swimming in countryside or city.
Her Type of Man:
want to have a man who is passionate and kind to as my future husband .not mind her age and poor or not .i care true love and real heart to me .
Gorgeous member profiles: Dandan, member China yuong

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